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New Class Offerings:
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2021 Bisbee Fiber Arts Retreat


June 11-13, 2021


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The 3rd Annual Bisbee Fiber Arts Retreat will be held the second week in June.


Registration will be limited to 50 participants. Cost to register is $50.00 (includes Saturday and Sunday workshops, Friday clinic and demonstrations and Saturday night dessert and speaker.) There are no refunds once registered, but a replacement person is accepted if needed.


Our keynote speaker this year is local Bisbee historian Charles Bethea, who has delightful stories about the wild history of our colorful town.


Vendor Booths


Vendor's will be offerings will include wool, angora (rabbit), alpaca, cotton and hemp fiber plus many tools and yarns, including these neat vendors:

  • Brookmoore Creations - Cotton sliver, spindles and handspun yarn.

  • Six Gun Angoras - lovely angora fiber and  yarn that can be used for spinning, knitting or making stunning needle-felted angora bunnies. 

  • Sky Island Girls - locally produced Navajo Churro fiber and yarns in both delicious natural colors and for spinning, weaving and dyeing adventures and vibrant hand-dyed yarns.

  • Southwest Corner - Joan Ruane will offer Lendrum spinning wheels and accessories.

  • Thunder Mountain Alpacas - Extensive array of alpaca products and more including raw alpaca fiber, roving, pin drafting, hand-spun and mill-spun yarns, core-spun art yarns, handmade dryer balls, felted insoles, needle felted sculptures, needle felting kits and supplies, wet felting kits and supplies, ceramic yarn bowls and sculptures.



The retreat will be held at the Seven Sisters Studio, 72 Erie Street in the historic Lowell district of Bisbee.


For local accommodations check out these links:


Remember June can be the warmest month of the year in the Bisbee area - for optimum comfort, make sure your lodgings include air conditioning and verify this with your hosts prior to booking your stay!  Just to be clear, the Schoolhouse Inn DOES NOT HAVE AIR CONDITIONING.


For popular local food & dining options during your stay:







NOON: Studio Opens for Retreat


Participants can start arriving on Friday at noon and set up their wheels or crafts before heading out to check into their lodging. This is also the time to turn in your handspun yarn for the judging competition on Saturday afternoon.




1:00 - 4:00 pm SPINNING CLINIC and dyeing demonstrations - solar and ice dyeing on cotton.


This is for anyone with questions about their wheels, fiber or even some techniques.   Join in on discussions about different fibers, spinning techniques and the latest in spinning news.   This is optional for anyone who wants to stay around the Seven Sisters Studio on Friday afternoon.


7:00 pm Evening Program & Introductions


Gather back at the Studio for spinning, knitting or whatever tickles your fancy while we do the instructor introductions and class descriptions, followed by Show & Tell.  Please bring your creations so you can share about what you have been doing this past year.


SATURDAY - Classes during the morning and demonstrations in the afternoon. In the evening, dessert and presentation on History of Old Bisbee


8:30 am - Noon


The studio will open at 8:30 am and classes will begin promptly at 9:00 am and run until noon. Except for the first 2 classes on Saturday, all classes are 3 hours long.


Eight different classes are being offered at that time.  You pick the class you want (first-come, first-serve style) and if there is an overflow in a class, you will be asked to pick your second choice. 


Saturday Classes:​

  • Indigo  & Cochineal Dyeing - Rick Rao  (6 hour class)

  • Felted Slippers - Deb Moroney  (4 hour class)

  • Beginning Spinning - Julie Drogsvold

  • Supported Spindle Spinning - Jill Holbrook

  • Triangle Loom Weaving - Lisa Thompson

  • Beginning Knitting - Darquis DeCoz

  • Japanese Sashiko Embellishment - Caroll Jones

  • Basics of Peyote Stitch - Kathie Schroeder 




You are free to choose your activity - the Studio will be open until 4 if you would like to stay and work on a project, or choose to be free and spend the time visiting Old Bisbee and the surrounding area.  The Southwest Regional judging team will be working on the handspun yarn entries in the studio, and results will be announced in the evening.


6:00 pm - Dessert & Bisbee Historical Presentation with Charles Bethea


On Saturday evening there will be a dessert bar with local historian Charles Bethea sharing some fascinating details of Bisbee's colorful past.




8:30 am - Noon


Studio will open at 8:30 with classes starting promptly at 9 AM.  Seven different classes will be available for you to choose from. 


Sunday Classes:​

  • Small Gourd Basket - Darquis DeCoz

  • Make Your Own Blending Board - Julie Drogsvold 

  • Suspended (Drop) Spindle Spinning - Jill Holbrook

  • Inkle Loom Weaving - Joan Ruane

  • Wheel Ratio Spinning - Nancy Wilson

  • Crochet Baskets - Sylvia Griffin

  • Tunisian Crochet - Lindy Brigham


Sunday noon will be the closing of the Third Annual Bisbee Fiber Retreat, time for packing up and saying our “Goodbyes” until next year.  â€‹â€‹


Pay for Your Registration


Fill out the Registration Form & Liability Release below and submit it for payment. You don't have to have a PayPal account to use this function. There are no refunds once registered - but a replacement person is accepted if needed.

Registraton Form
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