Social Justice

Social Justice is a standing committee within the Bisbee Fiber Arts Guild
Bisbee Fiber Arts Guild: Social Justice Program
Bisbee Fiber Arts Guild Members are active in the community and work with the guild to give back to the community in many ways.
1) Guild members have participated in community outreach through demonstrations at local
craft fairs and farmer’s markets.
2) Each year many BFAG members donated handcrafted items to the annual Copper
Queen Library fundraiser and silent auction.
3) The guild has offered free instructional programs to local Girl Scout troops.
4) Members have donated time, money and supplies to the Mariposa Art School in Naco,
Mexico. In addition, in 2017, the guild donated $100 along with supplies to the school.
5) The guild has participated in Earth Day events for a number of years. In 2018,
approximately 50 people, ages 3-84, were given instruction and completed projects to
take home.
6) In fall 2018 the guild sponsored a young, single mom who wanted to start a home
sewing business, making children clothes. The guild provided for her startup with a
sewing machine and supplies.
7) In 2018, the guild provided money for costumes for Boys and Girls Club so they could
participate in the annual Return Of the Turkey Vulture parade. In addition, the funding
enabled kids to see a live vulture and go to the science lab.
8) In 2020 the guild used the 501(c)3 status to help a guild member implement Imagination
Library 2020, which provides approximately 20 Bisbee area kids (ages 1-5) with a book
each month. This is part of the Dolly Parton nation-wide program.
9) COVID brought new challenges in 2020 and 2021. The guild responded by having
members knit and crochet hats to give to local health care workers in thanks for their
10) During the winter of 2021, members donated materials, books, fabric, yarn and other
supplies to the Navajo Quilt Project, which, in turn, distributes materials to quilters on the
reservation. Many members also donated the postage to mail more than 15 boxes.
11) Winter 2021 the guild was given many bags of scarves, headbands, and hats that had
been crocheted. These were given to the Frontera de Cristo which is a border ministry
that reaches out to the communities of Naco and Agua Prieta. Items were given to low
income families.
12) The guild members have always been active in providing warm, handcrafted items for
the homeless and low income people. In addition, members participated in a program to
make Tweedle-muffs for people in physical therapy. The muffs have a variety of small
items stitched on the inside that encourage hand and finger dexterity.
13) Winter 2021-2022. Keep Our Community Warm
BFAG Members are knitting and crocheting scarves and hats for homeless and low income members of the community. The guild is working with non-profit groups to distribute this handcrafted warm clothing. Initial funding for purchase of yarn and fleece came from a businessman in Colorado with ties to the community.